Diuron 80% WP
Diuron 80% WP

Diuron 80% WP

CAS NO: 330-54-1

Formulation: 80%WP,80%WDG

Target: Annual weeds

Structural Formula:

Mode of action

Diuron is a kind of internal absorption and conduction herbicide, which is absorbed by the roots and leaves of weeds, and then conducted in the body to inhibit the Hill reaction of photosynthesis, so as to make the weeds yellow and die. It is used to control weeds of asparagus, orange, cotton, pineapple, sugarcane, temperate trees and shrubs.

Application method and dosage
Active ingredient Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Diuron 80%WP Sugarcane Annual weeds 1500-3000g/ha Soil spray

(1) It has a wide killing spectrum.

(2) 60 days duration.

(3) High safety and no significant effect on seed germination and root system.

Technical requirements

[1]Application period: This product should be used before the emergence of sugarcane seedlings, and the best spraying effect is when the weed seeds are in the germination period and have not been unearthed.

[2]Application method: Spray 600-750kg water per ha evenly on the soil surface, and the dry water consumption of soil shall be increased to 900-1200kg per ha.

[3]When the temperature is high, the rainfall is high and the weeds germinate and grow rapidly, the effect of weeding is good, and the dosage can be reduced. The dosage of sand loam should be low, while that of clay should be increased.

[4]If the medicine is applied after the emergence of sugarcane, the high temperature weather shall be avoided. When applying the medicine, the liquid shall not be sprayed on the leaves of crops as much as possible, and the low dose shall be used.

[5]In the rainy, high water content and heavy viscosity environment in the south, it is recommended to cover the mulch after the medicine, otherwise the sugarcane may appear yellow leaf symptoms.

[6]Once a season.
