Acetamiprid 70% WDG
Acetamiprid 70% WDG

Acetamiprid 70% WDG

CAS NO. 160430-64-8

Active ingredient Acetamiprid

Total active ingredient content 70%

Dosage form WDG

Structural Formula

Scope and method of application
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Cucumber Aphid 30-38 g/ha  Spray
Technical requirements

[1] In the initial stage of insect pests, it is advisable to spray evenly, fully wetting without drip.

[2] Do not apply medicine in windy days or rain expected within 1 hour.

[3] The safe interval of using this product on cucumber is 2 days; the maximum use time of crops is 1 time per season.

Mode of action

This product is a pyridine insecticide. It has stomach toxicity and contact killing effect. It has strong permeability and can be quickly transmitted to all parts of the crop. Under the condition of normal use, it has a good control effect on cucumber aphid.


[1] It should not be mixed with basic pesticides and other substances.

[2] It is suggested that insecticides with different mechanisms of action should be used alternately to delay the development of resistance.

[3] This product is toxic to honeybee, fish and other aquatic organisms and silkworm. During the application period, avoid the influence on the surrounding bee colony. It is forbidden to use flowering plants, near the silkworm room and mulberry garden. It is forbidden to use Trichogramma and other natural enemy flying areas.

[4] Keep away from the aquaculture area for drug use. It is forbidden to wash the drug applicators in the water areas such as rivers and ponds; avoid the water source polluted by the liquid medicine.

[5] The used containers shall be handled properly and shall not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

[6] Wear protective clothing and gloves when using this product to avoid inhalation of liquid medicine. Do not eat, drink or smoke during application. Wash hands and face in time with soap water after application.

[7] Avoid contact with this product for pregnant and lactating women.
