Difenoconazole+Pyraclostrobin 40% SC
Difenoconazole+Pyraclostrobin 40% SC

Difenoconazole+Pyraclostrobin 40% SC

CAS NO.: 119446-68-3、175013-18-0

Scope and method of application:
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Banana Leaf spot 45000-60000 times liquid  Spray
Technical requirements:

[1] The suitable application period of this product is the early stage of banana leaf spot disease, and the application is once every 7-10 days. Note that the spray is uniform and thoughtful.

[2] Do not apply medicine in windy days or rain expected within 1 hour.

[3] When the product is used on bananas, the safety interval is 35 days, and it can be used up to 3 times per season.

Mode of action:

This product is a fungicide composed of Pyraclostrobin and Difenoconazole. Its mechanism of action is mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor, inhibition of cell wall sterol biosynthesis, protection, treatment and leaf permeability. According to the recommended dosage, it has a better control effect on banana leaf spot.


[1] Strictly follow the prescribed dosage and method.

[2] This product can not be mixed with alkaline substances. It is recommended to use fungicides with different action mechanisms in rotation to delay the generation of resistance.

[3] The product is highly toxic to fish and Daphnia magna. It is forbidden to wash the applicator in the water body such as aquaculture area and river pond; it is forbidden to wash the applicator in the water body such as river pond; it is forbidden to use in the area near silkworm house and mulberry garden.

[4] Wear protective clothing and gloves when using this product to avoid inhalation of liquid medicine. Do not eat or drink during the application. Wash hands and face in time after the application.

[5] The packages and used containers shall be handled properly after medication, and shall not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

[6] Pregnant women and lactating women are not allowed to contact this product. This product is irritating to the skin, pay attention to safety protection.

