Ethephon+Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate 30% SL

Active ingredient Ethephon+Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate

Total active ingredient content 30%

Dosage form SL

Scope and method of application
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Corn Growth regulators 300-580 ml/ha  Spray
Technical requirements

[1] At the initial stage of maize elongation, spray the pesticide evenly with the recommended dosage.

[2] In case of rain within 6 hours after spraying, it is necessary to re-spray pesticide with reducing spraying rate by half.

Mode of action

[1] This product is a special growth regulators for corn, which is composed of two plant growth regulators by scientific formula.

[2] It can shorten basal internode and control lodging, and increase yield by improving photosynthetic efficiency and assimilate distribution.


[1] Please read this label carefully before use, follow the pesticide use specification, or use the medicine under the guidance of the local plant protection technology department.

[2] This product is toxic to honeybee, fish and other aquatic organisms and silkworm. When applying the medicine, it should be far away from aquaculture area, river pond and other waters. The influence on the surrounding bee colony should be avoided. It is forbidden to use it near the flowering period of flowering plants, silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens. It is forbidden to spray in areas where natural enemies like Trichogramma are flying.

[3] It is forbidden to wash the applicators in the water areas such as rivers and ponds. The water for cleaning the applicators shall not be discharged into the water areas such as rivers and ponds.

[4] Use this product should take corresponding safety protection measures, wear protective gloves, masks, etc., to avoid skin contact and inhalation of nose and mouth. Do not smoke, drink or eat during use. Wash the skin of exposed parts such as hands and face and change clothes in time after use.

[5] The used containers shall be handled properly and shall not be used for other purposes or discarded at will. The liquid medicine and its waste liquid shall not pollute all kinds of waters.

[6] Children, pregnant women and lactating women are prohibited from contact. Do not use if you are allergic. Please see a doctor in time if you have any adverse reactions.
