Glyphosate 80% SG
Glyphosate 80% SG

Glyphosate 80% SG

CAS NO.: 114370-14-8

Structural Formula:

Scope and method of application:
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Non cultivated land weeds 2100-2800g/ha Stem and Leaf Spray
Technical requirements:

[1] When weeds grow vigorously, use 2100-2800 grams of this product per hectare, and spray evenly on the leaves of the weeds.

[2] When applying the medicine, it is necessary to avoid the liquid floating on the adjacent sensitive crops to prevent the harm.

Mode of action:

This product is a kind of inhaling and conducting herbicide, which is mainly absorbed by the green part of weeds and quickly transmitted to all parts of the plant. It can be used to kill the annual and perennial Gramineae weeds, Cyperaceae and broad-leaved weeds in non cultivated land.


[1] When applying the medicine, it is necessary to prevent the medicine fog from drifting to the nearby crops, so as to avoid the harm caused by the medicine.

[2] Do not mix with other herbicides, otherwise the efficacy will be reduced. Avoid mixing with alkaline pesticides and other substances.

[3] It should be applied in sunny days. Generally, weeds begin to die 7-10 days after spraying. Do not mow, graze or turn over the land within five days after application of the medicine.

[4] Wear protective clothing, gloves, masks and other protective equipment when applying medicine to avoid inhalation of liquid medicine. Do not eat or drink during the application. Wash hands and face in time after application.

[5] Properly handle the residual liquid medicine to avoid water pollution.

[6] Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this product.

[7] The used containers shall be handled properly and shall not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

[8] Keep away from aquaculture areas, ponds and other water bodies to apply medicine. It is forbidden to wash the applicators in ponds and other water bodies.

[9] This product is corrosive to metal products. Plastic appliances shall be used as much as possible during storage and use.
