Haloxyfop-P-methyl 108/L EC
Haloxyfop-P-methyl 108/L EC

Haloxyfop-P-methyl 108/L EC

Scope and method of application
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Peanut field Annual weed 300-1000 ml/ha Stem and Leaf Spray
Technical requirements

In the 2-3 leaf stage of peanut, the annual grass weeds were in 3-5 leaf stage, spray 450 kg of water per hectare.

Mode of action

This product as a selective herbicide used after seedling. Mainly absorbed by the leaves of weeds and transmitted to the whole plant. It inhibits the meristem of plants and kills grasses. Under the condition of normal use, it has a good control effect on annual gramineous weeds in peanut field.


[1] This product can be used at most once a season.

[2] Avoid mixing with alkaline pesticides and other substances.

[3] When weeds density is high, soil moisture is poor, organic matter content is high, weather is dry, temperature is too high or too low, the recommended high dose should be used.

[4] Wear protective clothing, masks, gloves, etc. when spraying, avoid inhaling liquid medicine. Do not eat, drink or smoke during application. Wash hands and face in time after application.

[5] This agent is harmful to fish. The residual liquid and waste water of cleaning equipment can not be discharged into rivers and ponds to avoid water pollution. The used containers should be properly treated and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

[6] Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this product.

[7] This product cannot be used in peanut fields with intercropping of gramineous crops.
