Nicosulfuron+Mesotrione+Fluroxypyr-meptyl OD
Nicosulfuron+Mesotrione+Fluroxypyr-meptyl OD

Nicosulfuron+Mesotrione+Fluroxypyr-meptyl OD

CAS NO.: 111991-09-4、104206-82-8、 69377-81-7

Scope and method of application:
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Corn Annual weeds 900-1500 ml/ha Stem and Leaf Spray
Technical requirements:

[1] After the 2-6 leaf stage of maize seedlings, 2-5 leaves of weeds were evenly sprayed at 20-30 kg per mu according to the prescribed dosage.

[2] Do not use in case of strong wind or rain within 1 hour.

[3] The application should be thoughtful and uniform, and do not spray again or leak; avoid the liquid floating on the adjacent broad-leaved crops, so as to prevent the occurrence of drug damage.

[4] Use medicine at most once a season.

Mode of action:

This product is a selective herbicide after corn seedling. It is made up of three herbicides with different action mechanisms. It has the characteristics of good quick effect, broad killing spectrum, high safety, internal absorption and conduction, etc. It has excellent control effect on gramineous weeds and broad-leaved weeds in corn field. The weeds show the symptoms of leaf albinism, plant deformity, distortion, and eventually wither and die. It has a good control effect on many kinds of malignant broad-leaved weeds, such as Commelina communis, Cirsium setosum, Endive, Convolvulus arvense, Polygonum convolvulus, Bedstraw, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Alisma orientalis, Vetch,Piemarker, nightshade, Datura,Acalypha australis and so on.


[1] Shake the liquid medicine in the bottle before use, and take the medicine according to the recommended dosage.

[2] The sensitivity of different corn varieties to this product is quite different, which is mainly suitable for the horse-toothed corn, half horse-toothed corn and flint corn. Among them, sweet corn and popcorn, waxy corn, corn for seed, inbred corn and individual horse-toothed corn varieties (such as Denghai series and Jidan 7) are more sensitive, so they should be tested before use. Generally, corn is sensitive to the drug before 2 leaf stage and after 10 leaf stage, please use it with caution.

[3] After using this product, the leaves of corn may appear slight yellowing, but it does not affect the growth, and can be recovered later.

[4] The corn treated with organophosphorus agent is sensitive to the product, and the interval of use is at least 7 days.

[5] Under normal climate conditions, beet, alfalfa, tobacco and vegetables should be planted after experiment. Legumes and cruciferous crops are sensitive to this product. When applying the medicine, it is necessary to prevent drifting, so as to avoid other crops suffering.

[6] It is strictly prohibited to use mist machine to apply medicine, which should be carried out in the morning or in the evening.

[7] Wear protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc. to avoid inhalation of liquid medicine. Do not eat or drink during application. Wash hands and faces in time after the application.

[8] Keep away from aquaculture area, river pond and other water areas to apply medicine, and it is forbidden to wash the medicine applicator in river pond and other water areas. The natural enemy release zone is forbidden. The remaining chemicals and waste packaging shall be properly disposed of, and shall not be discarded at will, let alone used for other purposes.

[9] Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this medicine.
