Pendimethalin 330g/L EC
Pendimethalin 330g/L EC

Pendimethalin 330g/L EC

Scope and method of application
Crops Target Rates (dosage/ha) Application methods
Cabbage field Annual  weed 1600-2100 ml/ha Soil Spray
Cotton field Annual  weed 2200-3000 ml/ha Soil Spray
Rice field Annual weed 2200-3000 ml/ha  Soil Spray
Technical requirements

[1] Use 600 kg of water for each hectare and spray the soil before cabbage seeding.

[2] Before transplanting, the application of medicine should ensure that the transplanting depth of crops is more than 3cm, and avoid exposing roots or contacting toxic soil layer when transplanting.

[3] After sowing and before seeding, drill sowing should be used as far as possible to ensure the sowing depth. cotton sprayed soil sprays before planting, 600-900 kg per hectare.

[4] Please do not apply pesticide in windy days or expected 1 hour rainfall.

[5] Use once a season at most.

Product performance

[1] A selective herbicide for cabbage, cotton and rice seedling fields.

[2] It can control a variety of annual Gramineae and broad-leaved weeds with a duration of 45-65 days. Under normal use, it will not cause root deformity of cotton and other crops and pesticide damage to rice seedlings.


[1] For sandy loam soil with low organic matter content, low dose should be used; when soil clay weight or organic matter content exceeds 2%, the recommended upper limit high dose should be used.

[2] During soil treatment, the soil preparation should be flat to avoid large soil blocks and plant residues.

[3] Can use conventional knapsack sprayer, use flat fan nozzle, spray should be uniform and thoughtful, avoid heavy spray, leak spray or over dosage.

[4]  Avoid mixing with alkaline pesticides and other substances.

[5] Wear protective clothing, masks, gloves, etc. when spraying, avoid inhaling liquid medicine; do not eat, drink, smoke, etc. during application, wash hands and face in time after application.

[6] If it is toxic to fish, it should be far away from the aquaculture area to apply medicine. It is forbidden to clean the applicator in the pond, and properly handle the residual liquid to avoid polluting the water source. The used containers should be properly treated and should not be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

[7] Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact with this product.

[8] It is forbidden to spray in areas where natural enemies like Trichogramma are flying.
