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From sowing to harvest, corn will suffer from different diseases and insect pests in each growth stage. After several years of experiments, our corn field plan has been improved continuously. At present, a high-yield plant protection plan has been formed, which integrates seed dressing, weeding, insecticidal and sterilization.


Early stage of sowing:

1) Main control object:

Corn borer (endangering the heart leaves of seedlings)

Wireworm (endangering the main root 3-5cm below the corn seedling soil)

2) Solution:

Seed dressing before sowing is a better control measure. The specific use method is to mix 100 kg corn seeds with 200-300 g of 70% thiamethoxam water dispersible granule, and then dry them before sowing. It can effectively control root rot and underground pests, and it can also prevent Spodoptera exigua and thrips in the early stage. It has obvious effect of strong seedling.



Maize seedling stage

1) Main control objects:

Closed weeding before emergence of weeds.

In addition, with the promotion of wheat straw returning measures, corn borer, golden needle worm, thrips and Spodoptera are more and more harmful, often resulting in the lack of seedlings and ridging of corn. In addition to the influence of field humidity, the main living place of Spodoptera exigua is under the wheat straw and stubble, and the corn with heavy damage is also close to the wheat straw and stubble.

2) Solution:

After sowing, herbicides can use acetochlor or metolachlor as soil sealing treatment before emergence of weeds, which is basically harmless to corn.

For pest control, the main measure should be to clear the surplus wheat grass or plough in the field, to create an environment that is not conducive to the life of Noctuidae Noctuidae; for heavy fields, thiamethoxam or fipronil can be sprayed along the base of corn line in the evening, which has a good control effect on tigers, planthoppers and thrips.


4-6 leaf stage of Maize

1) Main control objects:

Weeds in the field

Ground tiger, corn borer, beet armyworm and other pests

Leaf spot and other pathogens

2) Solution:

For the prevention and control of herbicides, the control of 3000 ml of nitrazone, smokimon and atrazine oil was carried out per hectare (the drug was not recommended for sweet corn, waxy corn and popcorn), and it could be used for directional spraying between 20% rows of dry agents. For the prevention and control of this disease, 40% HP 1500 ml or 10% cyhalothrin water emulsion of 300 ml of anterograde spray should be used per hectare.


Corn bellmouth stage (11-13 leaves)

1) Main control objects:

Corn borer, cotton bollworm, beet armyworm, aphid, leaf spot, rust, etc.

2) Solution:

Strengthening field management, timely cultivation, weeding, reasonable fertilization, increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to increase the stress resistance of plants, can use 40% phoxim EC 1500 ml or 30% benzoyl benzozol EC 200-300 milliliters per hectare to carry out anterograde spray control, instead of traditional corn core throwing, which not only saves manpower, but also gains pests and diseases, and can greatly reduce corn borer, aphids and leaves. Disease damage, corn leaves become green, thick, resistant to premature aging.


Grouting maturity

1) Main control objects:

Mainly to prevent the occurrence of bacterial wilt, total erosion and premature aging

2) Solution:

It is mainly prevented by selecting varieties with strong resistance, ensuring the nutrition area of a single plant, strengthening the field management, improving the ventilation and light transmission conditions of Corn Population and other agricultural cultivation measures.
